Price is the most important component of Amazon marketplace activities both for buyers and sellers. Customers search the Amazon marketplace for the lowest pricing, while the AMZ sellers keep an eye on the price history to stay ahead of the competition.

The appropriate product price strategy is essential if you want to outperform your rivals on Amazon and take the Buy Box pole. Amazon pricing strategy should be suitable for the fast changing environment of Amazon and adaptable for the new marketing strategies of your Amazon competitors.

Main component of your pricing strategy should be repricing your products when necessary. To this end you need to monitor the Amazon price history and to evaluate the outcomes of repricing your products. So, you need a proper Amazon price history tracker.

Contributions of Amazon Price History Tracker

  • Keep track of price fluctuations on Amazon.
  • Being aware of pricing patterns in your Amazon category
  • Able to adjust your Amazon prices at best possible time, like increasing prices when competitors are out of stock.
  • Get rid of manual monitoring with a specialized price tracking system
  • Be able to see the price history of your Amazon products.
  • Profitable insights for all Amazon sellers, wholesalers, retailers and suppliers.
  • Controlling Minimum Advertised Pricing.
  • Setting best possible prices to win the Buy Box on Amazon.
  • Timely modifying price levels to beat the Amazon competition.
  • Ranking higher in Amazon search results.

AmzMonitor Price Tracker Tool for Amazon

A useful strategy for managing your Amazon sales is to use monitoring software for Amazon. To safeguard your sales, AmzMonitor provides insightful email alerts for Amazon. With AmzMonitor price tracker, you will be informed of all listing changes and you will be able to:

  • Track any number of ASINs (depending on your plan).
  • Have a 24/7 working automated tool for all Amazon marketplaces.
  • Screen the title, stock and price components of Amazon product listings.
  • Store price history data for monitored ASINs.
  • Generate price change alerts in case the tool detects Amazon price changes.
  • Depict the price history and Buy box performances of ASINs in well visualized charts and excel files.
  • Have user friendly and easy to understand email alerts, dashboard and charts for Amazon.