Automated Product Review and Rating Monitoring for Amazon

Taking prompt action for new Amazon reviews is crucial to the success of your Amazon business. Good Amazon reviews not only contribute to a stronger brand credibility and far more favor with the Amazon algorithm, but they also create healthier customer loyalty, stronger customer satisfaction, and more popularity with the Amazon search algorithm. Stay tuned with Amazon Review and Product Rating Tracking tool to take timely actions to protect your Amazon business.

amzmonitor amazon review tracking

How our Review and Rating Tracker for Amazon works

  • AmzMonitor screens any suspicious activity on your Amazon product listings.
    • New Reviews
    • Negative Reviews
    • New Star Ratings
    • Product Rating changes
    • Top Positive Review / Top Critical Review changes
  • Get review and rating alerts via email Notification in case Amazon review tracker figures out any changes in your reviews and ratings.
  • With the dedicated Review Reports menu, you can view all your reviews that generate alerts on the AmzMonitor dashboard. Track product details in the review reports, sort reviews, search for product-specific reviews, and export your review data to Excel.
  • Take necessary actions in line with your customers` review and ratings to protect your Amazon business reputation and customer loyalty.

Why You Need Review Tracker for Amazon

Boost momentum in Amazon sales

Positive Amazon product reviews and a healthy star rating almost always lead to stronger Amazon sales, together with higher product rankings. To do this, you need to take prompt actions to solve any issues in reviews of your customers.

Get ahead of competition

You should not miss new product improvement opportunities in line with the reviews for your customers or even your competitors` products reviews.

Timely engagement with your customers

The main component of Amazon success is to have great engagement with your customers and actively respond to their reviews and questions of your buyers. Then the Amazon algorithm will reward you. Be responsive to negative reviews in a timely and polite manner.

Get rid of fake Amazon reviews

Our tool will help you to detect fake Amazon reviews with timely alerts. To protect your Amazon brand reputation, you need to promptly report suspicious reviews to Amazon.

Reflecting great customer service

By clearly addressing the negative issues in reviews and questions, you convey to potential clients that your Amazon store. This will reflect that you are aware of the "problem" and care enough to talk about it. For this, you need an automated review and rating tracker.

Impossible manual monitoring

You can not manually track Amazon marketplace to a large number of products. No worries, our Amazon review tracker is ready to inform you via timely email notifications.

Stay tuned for deleted reviews

Receiving timely Amazon alerts for deleted reviews protects your Amazon business reputation.